Stand against rug pulls and liquidity exits, and combat bad actors in #DeFi.

29 Sep 2023, 17:11
Stand against rug pulls and liquidity exits, and combat bad actors in #DeFi! Using the WingRiders #Launchpad tool, projects and the supporters can fight against these problems in the following ways; ⛔️ Anti-scam Automated steps prevent launching projects from rug-pulling market liquidity as a % of raised funds is locked into the liquidity pool for 6+ months. A collateral down-payment by projects to avoid clogging of the launchpad with low quality or fakes. 🔒 Non-custodial No one else has access or control over your and project tokens in any phase of the launch. You have the power to withdraw your contributions and support during project launches. ☑️ Projects create their own requirements All projects can set up various parameters of their launch including multiple tiers with various conditions to reflect their and the community’s needs. Projects can even raise any token they want in this stage, $iUSD, $Djed, and $ADA are enabled. Remember, it is always important to protect yourself as much as possible and understand the methods bad actors will take to steal or gain access to funds. For other best practices for securing funds, smart contracts, avoiding scams and more in DeFi 👉